My Guardian Angels

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These are the Angels that are guiding me each day of the week..


WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

My Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Responsibilities. Angelic Advice: It is time to welcome some new responsibilities into your life - you are capable and ready to show others the way. Each new responsibility will enhance you inner growth and is a new doorway towards opportunity. These angels wish you joy in: Taking the lead.


WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

My Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Decisions. Angelic Advice: The time is right to examine your relationships and make the decisions that will enable you to enrich your life and your heart. Any decision made from a place of honour, understanding and compassion will be a good one. These angels wish you joy in: Inner Knowledge.


WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

My Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Sunshine. Angelic Advice: Turn your face up to the sun for a moment today, just as the flowers reach out towards its rays. Then remember that sunshine comes from inside your soul as well, and you can be the one who spreads light to all those around you, even on the gloomiest day. These angels wish you joy in: A loving spirit.


WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

My Guiding Angel Today is: The Angel of Smiles. Angelic Advice: Enjoy the laughter today - you'll be inspiring others to smile. You'll even see those who you didn't think had a sense of humor or compassion to spare crack a smile! See how much joy you can spread! These Angels wish you joy in: Starting a trend.


WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

My Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Release. Angelic Advice: If something isn't working in your life in spite of your best efforts, it may time to face reality and release your grip on the situation. Moving on opens wonderful new horizons for you and allows the universe to assist you in all ways. These angels wish you joy in: Being your own best friend.

Angel Prayers

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Prayer To The Guardian Angel (2)

Protecting spirit who watches over me always, you who have this mission, now for the joy of doing good and for progress and purification of your spirit, save me, for during the night my spirit goes to meet the unknown. Take me to where my loved ones and my friends are and those who want to help me. Help me with all the problems of my life. Oh, that the revelations I should put into practice would be held fast in my imagination.

Give me strength in my contemplation of nature and raise my spirit above the new struggles that have made my hopes vanish.

These cute little angel are here to watch over my site and to fill us all with SPIRIT !   :-)

My Guardian Angel..

Hello GP from ICQ